
These labels were custom created for the State of Colorado’s recreational. These labels contain key features mandated by Colorado law for compliant labeling of marijuana products. This label was designed with Colorado consumers and business owners in mind by featuring the famous Colorado “C” as it appears on the state flag. The legal compliant features include the Universal Symbol required by Colorado’s Marijuana Enforcement Division to be applied to all packaging containing usable, edible, and concentrate marijuana for consumption as stated in 1 CCR 212-2 R 1000 Series Rules. The warning statements printed on the label contain all mandatory language as stated in 1 CCR 212-2 R1005 (Retail Marijuana Labeling), R1006 (Retail Labeling Rules), and R1007 (Retail Marijuana Concentrates Labeling Rules). As a Colorado dispensary owner in the retail or medical marijuana, these labels are the only ones on the market to keep your business compliant with the Colorado Department of Revenue’s M.E.D.

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